My ImagineIT has taken many twists and turns this school year with the last minute change from math to history, so my implementation has been not as effective as I hoped. My first semester project of taking a step back and letting the students choose their own learning was very unsuccessful. It was about world revolutions and the goal was to use the excitement that Hamilton the musical created as a model of a way to create excitement about a world revolution the students would teach the rest of the class. The presentations were neither informational or interesting, and the freedom given for the project was poorly used. This semester, I am learning from their and my mistakes and giving the project route another go. This time the students will be presenting about black historical figures for Black History Month. Most students have expressed an interest in this, which is a big difference from the world revolutions. I plan to implement more checkpoints during the project to ensure that progress is being made. I also plan to implement mini lessons on how to use different presentation styles or technology to aid in cooperative working. Based on the outcome of these mini lessons and additional checkpoints, I’m hoping that projects can become a viable part of class again. I would like to then have students venture into a less interesting topic (to them) by presenting about a country of the world, then a religion of the world, and finally a former empire.